Monday, 19 August 2024
I woke up somewhat in a state of shock and panic. I was in disbelief about what had happened the day before and how my situation (and life) had somehow drastically changed overnight.
My nerves were shot just by the thought of having to travel back to Germany with my son, with me being in such a state. I had a broken foot, and had to wear an orthopedic boot and walk with crutches. Half of my face decided to stop working. I couldn't close my eye and my ear was aching. How the hell was I supposed to travel around half the world, while being broken, and be responsible for my son?!
I needed to take care of my son while travelling and I had luggage to worry about (two suitcases and two carry-on bags). I really didn't know how I was going to manage it on my own. Nonetheless, the show had to go on and somehow I needed to get through it; my son was depending on me and I was pretty stressed about the costs of rescheduling the flight as well as not making back to Germany in time to return to work. I tried my best to compose myself, but I felt like an emotional wreck.
Henry and I got up and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. My mom came out to join us and we chatted a bit. Henry finished his breakfast and went to my step-mom to play a tablet game together, leaving me and my mom alone. My mom asked how I was doing and, probably seeing I was struggling to keep it together, gave me a hug.
After breakfast, I went to finish packing, while Henry spent time with my mom and step-mom. It felt so hard to focus, feeling overwhelmed by everything, that it took me longer than usual to get everything together. But, I finally finished up and we got everything loaded into the car.
We enjoyed the last bit of time at the house, before saying goodbye to the pets, then we headed out to the car to go eat lunch at a restaurant nearby. Eating still felt like a struggle as I hadn't adjusted yet to my mouth not working right, and I felt uncomfortable being in public trying to eat. I had trouble keeping food in my mouth and chewing, and had to hold a napkin in front of my mouth.
When we finished up, we headed back to the car and drove off towards Boston and the airport.
More to follow...
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